10 things to know about fat freezing

A woman undergoes fat-freezing treatment. Picture: Pexels

A woman undergoes fat-freezing treatment. Picture: Pexels

Published Aug 23, 2020


If you thought the only way to lose weight is to hit the gym, you are wrong.

Freezing fat, known medically as cryolipolysis, is one of the hottest trends in non-invasive body sculpting — that is, losing pockets of fat without needles, knives, or real downtime.

There has been a lot of buzz lately about fat freezing and with summer around the corner, this may be an option for someone who is not a gym bunny but wants to lose weight.

We spoke to directors of Lokkima Cool Body Sculpting, Allan Scott and Mareldia Jones, about everything you need to know about the process.

How does fat freezing work?

Fat freezing is exactly that. The freezing of your fat cells. The treated fat cells are crystallised by the cool temperature. This causes them to expire and then be naturally and permanently eliminated from the body. Each treatment decreases the number of fat cells in the targeted area. Once the pods are placed on the desired area, the fat freezing begins. The recommended amount of time between treatments is every 30 days. Some clients require only one treatment on a specified area, while others require more.

When do you start seeing the results?

Some clients see results immediately but the best results are seen after 40 days.

Who can use the fat freezing option?

Fat freeze can be used by almost anyone provided they don't have any underlying conditions, including pregnancy and open wounds.

What should you do before and after a fat-freezing session?

There are no requirements before the treatment, but afterwards we encourage a change in lifestyle, ie a change in diet and minimal exercise.

What are the most difficult areas for women to lose weight?

Outer thighs.

What happens to the frozen fat cells after the treatment?

They are expelled through the lymphatic system by urination.

Do I need more than one treatment?

We highly recommend a consultation before or on the day of the treatment to assess the client's problem area.

Which areas can't we work on?


Women's breasts

Open wounds

New moms – 3 months after birth if the baby was delivered naturally and 6 months after a Caesarean. Treatment can be done if the doctor has given authorisation.

Are there any side effects?

Possible light bruising

What is the recovery time?

No recovery time needed as the treatment does not require injections or operations.

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