Cape Town Photographer Raises Nearly R500 000 to Feed the Needy

Published May 20, 2020


CAPE TOWN - Cape Town photographer, Chad Nathan, has raised close to R500 000 to feed those in need.

When the national lockdown was announced by the President Cyril Ramaphosa, Nathan sought a permit with the idea of documenting the historic moments that came with the pandemic by taking photographs and videos and then supplying them to publications.

Within a week Nathan changed his plans after witnessing the extreme impact the national lockdown had on the less fortunate.

“I never went in saying I would raise half a million, but within the first week of seeing how intense this lockdown was and how devastating it was for some of our fellow South Africans, I knew at the back of my head that I could do more than just take pictures of these people and hear their stories,” said Nathan.

Nathan had been working alongside Cans With Purpose, Ladles of Love, Breadline Africa, and Courage and started a BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign called “Raising Hope” with the to help the organisations.

However nearly overnight, the campaign rapidly raised awareness and many donations from around the world.

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“What started as an initiative to raise R100 000 to help these four organisations led to much more money and awareness being raised. Because of that, we are now able to give money to other organisations in need as well,” said Nathan.

Within the first two days, the campaign had raised R150 000 and Wednesday morning just over R423 000.

Nathan said with winter soon approaching the cold weather will present further hardships for those less fortunate.

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