Durban Ice Arena earmarked to be a Covid-19 mortuary

Published May 8, 2020


DURBAN – The eThekwini Municipality has submitted a report, by the parks, recreation and culture unit, to use the Durban Ice Arena as a mortuary.

The eThekwini Municipality which includes the greater Durban area was flagged as the Covid-19 hotspot for KwaZulu Natal.

Despite the government's introduction of the alert level system which eases lockdown restrictions, the municipality is preparing for the worst.

The eThekwini community and emergency services committee was responsible for the report which cited the Durban Ice Arena as a suitable alternative to set up as a mortuary.

However; the idea was originally implemented by various countries devastatingly hit by the virus. It would be part of the City’s level 7 plan which was highlighted in Professor Salim Abdool Karim’s presentation,

SA’s Covid-19 epidemic: Trends and Next Steps.

Owners of the Durban Ice Arena, the Olive Group, said they have not received any proposal.

Chief executive of the Olive Group, Sastri Ramiah said: “I have not had any request to date from the eThekwini municipality. It would be important and appropriate for them to inform us of their intended plan.”

Ramiah added that due to the national lockdown, the refrigeration plant used to cool the ice rink had been switched off and would be required to be switched on in advance.


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