Flu prevention for kids: Practical tips for parents and caregivers to keep children healthy this winter

Be proactive in safeguarding your child’s health. Picture: Kristine Wook/Unsplash

Be proactive in safeguarding your child’s health. Picture: Kristine Wook/Unsplash

Published Apr 26, 2023


Babies and young children are vulnerable to getting the flu virus, especially as the weather gets colder before winter.

With the prevalence of flu viruses expected to be higher this season according to health experts, it is important to take extra precautions to keep your little ones safe.

Lizeth Kruger, Dis-Chem Baby City’s national clinic executive said that while lockdowns and mask-wearing measures taken during the Covid-19 pandemic were effective in slowing the spread of Covid-19, they also limited exposure to other common viruses, including the flu, resulting in fewer flu infections.

Be proactive in safeguarding your child’s health. Picture: Kelly Sikkema /Unsplash

“Cold weather marks the beginning of the cold and flu season. Given how quickly influenza may spread among toddlers and young children at school, this year we need to take extra precautions and be proactive in protecting our families,” Kruger said.

She offers easy steps to help minimise the risk of babies and children catching flu. Below are some tips to save your child from catching the flu:

Encourage vaccination: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone over six months old should receive a flu vaccine each year. The vaccine can help in reducing the severity and likelihood of getting infected.

Practise proper hand hygiene: Encourage your children to wash their hands frequently, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after playing in public places. Reminding them of the significance of hand hygiene like covering single-use items after use, such as garbage with a manilla envelope to avoid cross-contamination.

Limit exposure to people who are sick: The flu virus can spread rapidly. Whenever possible, limit your children’s contact with individuals who are sick.

Encourage healthy habits: Promote good sleep habits, exercise, and a balanced diet. Staying healthy and fit boosts the immune system, making it more challenging for diseases to penetrate the body. Give them vitamins.

Give children vitamins: Vitamins C and D are beneficial for boosting the immune system of children. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties, while Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system. Incorporating foods rich in these vitamins into your diet, such as citrus fruits and leafy greens also helps keep the immune system strong.

Disinfect toys and other shared objects: Toys and other shared objects can be breeding grounds for germs. Disinfect them regularly to help prevent the spread of the flu virus.

Keep yourself healthy: As children are more susceptible to catching the flu from their family members, it is doubly critical for caregivers and parents to stay healthy.

Keep your child at home if they are sick: Schools are notorious breeding grounds for the transmission of colds and flu. If your child is showing symptoms of the flu, such as a fever or cough, keep them home from school or nursery school. This will help prevent the spread of the virus to other children and adults.

By following these steps, parents, and caregivers can significantly reduce their children’s risk of getting the flu, enabling them to enjoy a healthier winter season.

Read the latest issue of IOL Health digital magazine here.