Online art exhibition by WORLDART Gallery

Published Apr 26, 2020



Cape Town-based art gallery WORLDART launched the AEROSOL online art exhibition showcasing paintings by South African artists who use spray paint in their paintings.

In the art world, spray paint has always been associated with street art and graffiti and by the early eighties, urban youth started using it as a way to express themselves and create images and messages for their communities.

“The phrase “Reset, Restart, Refresh” came to me at a time when I was concerned about the state of our world (pre-COVID19) and lifestyles which feeds on minimizing authenticity and messed up social priorities.

"Our humanity is lead by ill psychology and thus my artwork inspired the increasing desperation to reset, restart and refresh the way we see ourselves in an already exhausted world,” said Robyn Pretorius.

Pretorius along with Al Luke, Kilmany-Jo Liversage, iL Caso, George Mars aka MARS, One. and Fadiel Hermans will have their work showcased on

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