TikTok SA launches 'SkillsUp' digital skills campaign

Published Aug 4, 2020



Video-sharing social media network TikTok has seen the need for digital adoption and launched the SkillsUp campaign to empower users with useful digital skills.

The digital education space has seen a surge due to the Coronavirus global pandemic with schools and educational institutions closing its doors and TikTok South Africa took the opportunity to start this series of webinars which will be hosted by digital experts.

The campaign launched on August 1 and broadcasted live on TikTok South Africa’s page will provide attendees insight into how they can use the platform to grow both a company and personal brand.

“We believe it’s important for all South Africans to have the opportunity to access knowledge and information that can help them advance their current digital skill set for both professional and personal gain,” said TikTok Africa Content Operations Manager, Boniswa Sidwaba.

“Especially as it’s likely many local businesses will require at least some basic level of digital skill from future employees.

“Because TikTok has such a highly-engaged community, it would be very beneficial for professionals in the corporate space to learn how to connect with the new generation of the audience that truly enjoys being on the platform,” she said.

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