Tips for ordering fast-food delivery during lockdown

Published May 5, 2020



The introduction to level 4 lockdown on May 1, saw the re-opening of fast-food franchises for delivery only.

And while many South Africans are still sceptical about ordering takeaway foods in fear of contracting Covid-19, they can rest assured that the coronavirus cannot be spread through hot food.

"It is highly unlikely that people can contract Covid-19 from food or food packaging. Covid-19 is a respiratory illness and the primary transmission route is through person-to-person contact and through direct contact with respiratory droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes," read the statement by the World Health Organisation.

Here are some tips when ordering fast-food delivery:


Order cooked food rather than raw food: Avoid ordering raw seafood, poultry meat that is still red or where the juices are pink and minced meat/burgers that are still rare because they contain harmful bacteria throughout.

Dangerous microorganisms are killed by proper cooking which is one of the most effective ways to make food safe.

- Minimal contact with the delivery person: Wear mask and gloves to help reduce the risk of exposure and ensure the transaction is quick.

- Wash hands after unpacking food: After removing food from packaging, dispose of it and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.

- Heat up food: If you are still anxious about eating, unpack the takeout and transfer onto a plate then reheat the food.

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