Watching movies together but apart

Published Mar 27, 2020


With the days of “Netflix and chill” temporarily over, people the world over are finding new ways to share viewing experiences. One such example is co-watching. Co-watching is allowing friends and family to watch a film together apart, sharing the experience while adhering to lockdown regulations. Co-watching could change the way in which we consume content beyond the days of lockdown. If you are anything like me and don't like getting dressed and going out, this could possibly the future of movie dates.

One way to experience co-watching is through Netflix Party and here is how you too can enjoy the experience:

Step1. Install Netflix Party

Each viewer needs a Netflix account and the need to download the Netflix Party Chrome extension from the Chrome Web store.

Step2. Open a video on Netflix

Go to Netflix's website. Choose any show you would like to watch and start playing the video.

Step3. Create your party

To create your party, click on the red "NP" icon located next to the address bar. Then click "Start Party" to get the party started, and share the party URL to invite friends.


The movie begins with a group chat bar on the right hand side of the screen, allowing viewers to type and chat. There’s no video or audio chatting, which means you can watch your movie in co-silence without the annoyance of pings interrupting a crucial moment.

Being able to watch content with friends and family who are kilometers away should make this lockdown a little bit more bearable. Now the more difficult question is, who gets to choose what to watch?

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