5 things adult store employees want you to know

When you walk into an adult store, we promise you, it is one of a handful of places you can be where you can be your true self. Picture: bellarouge.co.za

When you walk into an adult store, we promise you, it is one of a handful of places you can be where you can be your true self. Picture: bellarouge.co.za

Published Jun 26, 2019


**This blog was written by guest author Melissa Luies**

I remember the first time my partner and I decided we were going to try using a sex toy for the first time. We drove up to the Adult Store and I went in. 

Nervous as can be, I immediately blushed as I was greeted by the friendly lady behind the counter. I was the only one in the store, and I knew she was watching me. 

As I walked over to the DVD section, I realised, I had no idea what I was looking for. I had no idea which DVD I would like to buy to watch with my partner that evening. 

Seeing my distress, the lady walked over to me and asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. 

This, of course, led to an entirely different subject of the things you can learn about the different types of Porn DVDs there are and how many volumes one producer can make of a single title. Who knew that years from that day, I would actually be an employee of an Adult Store?

Which gets me to the point of this article:

Yes. We Do Play With The Toys (But not in the way you think)

Every once in a while, we are faced with a new product we haven't seen before. When I showed my husband a sample of a Double Dong we had in stock, his first response was "That is awesome! I have only ever seen them in movies!"

We inspect them. Thoroughly. To understand how they work, what they do and how it is possible to provide pleasure with such a magical appearance.

No. We Don't Search Your Names Online

Whenever we get orders we send them via a courier. This little comfort feature does come with the concern of having to use your real name in order for the courier to deliver the package to the correct person. 

But we do not search your names online to see what you look like and we certainly don't try to place a face with the person who just bought him- (or her)self a Boss Dildo. 

An Adult Store Is Your Safe Haven

When you walk into an adult store, we promise you, it is one of a handful of places you can be where you can be your true self. There is nothing an Adult Store Employee has not seen or heard! 

They do not judge you on any of your kinks or fetishes. Buying from an online store? Discretion is one of the most important things for us! (That and of course getting your order to you in 2-3 days!)

We Are Not Sex Workers

We love helping our customers become more comfortable and knowledgeable about their bodies, as well as experience a much randier sex life - but for real, you don't need to pop in or call with a post-coital play-by-play or ask for in detail instructions of exactly how to use your new Fleshlight Turbo. 

Everyone Needs Lube

A lot of female customers think that needing lube makes them less womanly, or they're concerned that their male partner will feel inadequate if they need lube to get slippery for sex. Although it's a common belief that a woman's wetness depends on her level of arousal, there are plenty of things that can effect self-lubrication, including hormone fluctuations, pregnancy - even antihistamines and antidepressants.

Visit Jenni Holdsworth's  website  for more info

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