Watch as young bikers take the Someday Ride

Published Feb 26, 2018


Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey - Morgan Freeman called it a bucket list; bikers call it the Someday Ride.

Young or old, newbie or old school, we all have in our heart of hearts a list of places we’ve seen or heard about that we’re going to ride to - someday. Well, here’s a newsflash: someday never comes.

Elspeth Beard, the first Englishwoman to ride round the world alone, says that if she had waited until she was ready, she would never have left London. You are never going to be ready, she says, Just do it.

And here’s the good news: I thought I had done mine - a week-long solo road trip to five perfect biking roads around South Africa that I had seen from cars, trucks and aircraft, and vowed to came back to on a motorcycle, someday.


I wasn’t ready when the opportunity came up, but I went and it was magic. Now I find I have a new Some Day Ride in the back of my mind - from Buenos Aires to Ushaia in Argentina, the world’s most southerly city. Someday.

BMW and M&C Saatchi LA recently made a short film called the The Someday Ride, about a young rider whose older sister pushes him into taking that road trip they’ve always talked about - no excuses, no phones, no internet, no interruptions, just a week of living in the moment, riding the winding roads of Southern and Central California and into the Eastern Sierra mountains - nearly 650 kilometres in four days.

In just four minutes it encapsulates why we ride motorcycles, and why so many of us believe that riding starts where the street lights end - but whatever you ride and wherever your Someday Ride takes you, enjoy the video; we hope it inspires you.

IOL Motoring

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