Cape car fanatic takes hip-hop star for a spin

Published Mar 18, 2016


By: Nathan Adams

Cape Town - The guys from MLJ Rides took rapper T.I. for a spin on the Cape Flats to make sure the wheels didn’t come off on his short visit here.

Vintage car collector Riedewaan Williams, 48, from Woodstock, says he got a call on Sunday to meet a client who wanted to hire some of his pimped out rides.

When Williams pulled up in his 1964 Chevy Impala and 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire convertible at the hotel where the American star was staying, he says T.I. looked suitably impressed.

“This is how I roll,” the bad boy rapper shouted when he saw the cars.

The airbrushing on the cars by Cape Flats auto artist Ashraf Bahaardien from The Shack also got the thumbs up.

Williams said it was his suggestion for the Blurred Lines star to shoot scenes in Bonteheuwel for his new music video Money Talks.

“I told him that it will be great because the D6 Hanover Minstrels perform there every year," he said, "and he said yes.”

With his son Tafiek, 30, at his side, they watched as nine sexy babes climbed into their cars and posed for the camera.

“I didn’t know much about this guy T.I. but my son is a fan of his,” Williams admitted.


Tafiek was happy to chauffeur the rapper and was very surprised by the gifts he got.

“He took off his cap and his sunglasses and just gave it to me,” he said.

Father and son said T.I. was splashing cash around the Cape and handed out dollar bills in Langa, Gugulethu and Bonteheuwel.

Tafiek said: “When we got to Bonteheuwel, he wanted to change and when he took off his shoes, he called the nearest guy,  told him, 'It's your lucky day', and gave him his Jordans."

MLJ Rides regularly provides cars for parties, matric balls, music videos, TV shows and movies, and Willams said money really talks for the rapper.

“He paid in US dollars, more than $1000,” he said. "He didn’t say much about Cape Town but he said that he loves Bonteheuwel.”

Willams now expects a flood of calls, especially from matriculant fans of T.I. who would love to ride in the same car as their idol.

Daily Voice

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