Zambia's Kaunda buried at official site despite son's court challenge

The funeral cortage carrying the body of the late Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda arrives at the state memorial service for him in Lusaka on July 2, 2021. - Mourners waving white handkerchiefs, Kenneth Kaunda's trademark symbol, gathered at a Lusaka stadium on July 2, 2021 for a state memorial service for Zambia's first president, who died last month aged 97. (Photo by - / AFP)

The funeral cortage carrying the body of the late Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda arrives at the state memorial service for him in Lusaka on July 2, 2021. - Mourners waving white handkerchiefs, Kenneth Kaunda's trademark symbol, gathered at a Lusaka stadium on July 2, 2021 for a state memorial service for Zambia's first president, who died last month aged 97. (Photo by - / AFP)

Published Jul 7, 2021


By Chris Mfula

LUSAKA, July 7 (Reuters) - Zambia's founding president, Kenneth Kaunda, was laid to rest at the country's presidential burial site on Wednesday after the High Court dismissed a challenge by one of his sons that this would be against his wishes.

Kaunda ruled Zambia from 1964, when the southern African nation won its independence from Britain, until his defeat in an election in 1991. He died on June 17 in a military hospital in Lusaka.

Kaunda's son Kaweche on Tuesday challenged in court the government's plan to bury his father's remains at Embassy Park,where other former heads of state are buried and which is visited by the public as a national monument.

Kaweche Kaunda said his father's last wish was to be buried at his residence next to his wife, Betty, who died more than 10years ago.

In a ruling delivered while the burial was under way, High Court Judge Wilfred Muma said there was no clear arguable case made by the applicant for judicial review.

"This in my view is one case which must demonstrate that public interest overrides personal interest," Muma said.

President Edgar Lungu on Wednesday declared Kaunda's birthday, April 28, a national holiday in honour of the nation's first president.

Former Mozambique president Joaquim Chissano, Kaunda's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as well and opposition leaders attended the burial ceremony.

African leaders and diplomats on Friday joined Zambia in mourning its liberation hero Kaunda, who died aged 97 after about of pneumonia.

Although Zambia's copper-based economy did badly under his rule, Kaunda will be remembered more as a staunch African nationalist who stood up to white minority-ruled South Africa.

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