Missing KZN man found wandering the streets of Khar in Mumbai

Dhramalingum Pillay was found in Khar after he was missing for 13 days. He is pictured with two police officers. Picture: Reaction Unit SA

Dhramalingum Pillay was found in Khar after he was missing for 13 days. He is pictured with two police officers. Picture: Reaction Unit SA

Published Feb 13, 2023


Durban - The family of Dhramalingum Pillay breathed a sigh of relief after he was found over the weekend.

Pillay, 69, sparked an international search after he went missing from Mumbai International Airport on January 30.

He had been returning to South Africa from India after doing a 10-day tour with his daughter.

At the time of his disappearance, family friend and spokesperson Mandy Govender said they had arrived at the airport for their flight which was in the early hours of the morning.

“However, there was a long-flight delay and the daughter dozed off for a few minutes due to exhaustion and when she awoke, her father was gone,” Govender said.

Pillay, who had suffered a stroke, had dementia. He had no identification on him.

Pillay was found wandering the streets of Khar on Sunday morning, which is not far from the airport.

Govender said the family were extremely happy and relieved.

“It has been days of sleepless nights for everyone and we are so happy that Pillay has been found safe.”

She said he appeared to be in good health and was found by a special police task team.

Govender said Pillay survived on the generosity of people on the streets of India.

On Friday, the family offered a 50 000 rupees (about R10 0000) reward for any information.

She confirmed that the reward had not been claimed by anyone.

She thanked everyone for their support.

Reaction Unit South Africa boss Prem Balram said they had received a call from the embassy that Pillay was spotted.

News of him being reunited with his daughter made newspaper headlines in India.

According to the Mid-Day Mumbai, Pillay’s daughter thanked Sahar police for finding her father and said they had video called their family back home in South Africa.