Suspect in tavern armed robbery shot in the leg and left behind by fleeing accomplices

Three armed robbers fled on foot after a botched hit on a tavern, leaving behind their accomplice who was shot by cops in a gun battle. Picture: Supplied

Three armed robbers fled on foot after a botched hit on a tavern, leaving behind their accomplice who was shot by cops in a gun battle. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 15, 2023


As armed robbers staged a robbery at a tavern in Oakley, Calcutta, on Monday morning around 8.30am, one suspect was shot in the leg during a shootout with police, while three other suspects fled the scene, leaving behind a getaway car.

Brigadier Selvy Mohlala said: "Police received information about a business robbery in progress, the members responded to the complaint, and on arrival, the members were greeted with gunshots."

The cops retaliated and during the gun battle, one of the suspects was shot in the leg.

Police arrested the 30-year-old suspect for armed robbery after he was treated in hospital for a gunshot wound and immediately taken into custody. It was discovered that he was in possession of a handgun whose serial numbers had been filed off.

The other three suspects managed to get away with an undisclosed amount of cash, cellphones, a laptop and some beverages, leaving behind their getaway car, a blue Kia Picanto, and the injured accomplice.

Police investigations revealed that the getaway car had been reported stolen in Masoyi last month.

The arrested suspect is expected to appear in Mkhuhlu Magistrate's Court on Wednesday for business robbery, attack on police officials, possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.

In a separate incident, at Kildare Trust, Ximunghwe, in Calcutta, a 35-year-old woman was robbed of her Bible, two cellphones, ID, and bank cards during a home robbery in the early hours on Monday.

"The victim was asleep at about 3am on Monday morning when she heard her door trap falling, the victim woke up to inspect and she was shocked to find someone waving a knife in her bedroom," Mohlala said.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela commended the members for their efforts.