Garage manager comes under fire over clogged up toilets

File picture: Julie Jacobson/AP

File picture: Julie Jacobson/AP

Published Oct 6, 2017


Johannesburg - A Grasmere Engen 1 Stop garage manager has came under fire this week over the state of the garage's toilets. 

This after a customer took to social media to express disgust at the state of the garage's urinals, which were shown to be clogged with urine. 

Willem Burger took to Facebook earlier this week, posting images on the state of the urinals and the manager's alleged unwillingness to fix them. 

According to Burger, the manager, identified as Mr Visser, told Burger it was not his problem that the toilets were in that state and was only too happy to pose next to clogged up urinals. 

An irate Burger questioned the garage's priorities towards in maintaining hygiene in its toilets. 

Users have since reacted to Burger's post, slamming the manager for his seeming lack of response to fixing the toilets.

Engen Petroleum has since responded to the incident, with group communications manager Gavin Smith confirming that the matter had been attended to. 

"The urinals in question were attended to by a plumber on Monday, October 2 within one hour of the blockage being reported," Smith said.

He further refuted claims that the manager was unwilling to have the urinals fixed, saying plumbers were promptly called after the blockage was reported and proceeded to fix the blockage. 

He added that the company took pride "in its excellent health and safety standards, and compliance with legislated health and safety legislation, at all levels of the organisation, including public facilities". 

"[Furthermore, Engen] takes any dissatisfaction in this regard very seriously. We apologise for any inconvenience caused," he said. 


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