It's time for a new political order - Patricia de Lille

Patricia De Lille, who is ready for the next challenge, said it's time for a new political order in South Africa. Picture: Courtney Africa/African News Agency(ANA)

Patricia De Lille, who is ready for the next challenge, said it's time for a new political order in South Africa. Picture: Courtney Africa/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Nov 18, 2018


Cape Town - Former Democratic Alliance Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille on Sunday announced she will be launching a new political party soon.

De Lille, who hung up her mayoral chain last month following months of bitter infighting between her, members of her mayoral committee, and leaders of the DA, said the new party's name would be unveiled in another two weeks' time.

"We will be launching a new political party that will contest the 2019 elections in all nine provinces. Our party will be putting people before politics," she said.

"Our party will build a better country for the next generation and educate our children so that they can liberate themselves. We will be a part of less talk and more action."

De Lille said she felt energised and ready for the next challenge. "I really have got enough energy left. It's time for a new political order in our country. Duty and service runs through my blood every day. I am here to announce that I will continue to avail myself to serve my country, the country that I love," she said.

It also remains unclear whether the Independent Democrats, formed by De Lille some years ago and which is still registered as a political party, will be revived. De Lille indicated that because they had allowed dual membership she still held her ID membership.

The details of De Lille's new political home will be publicly announced in about two weeks, and the former mayor indicated an elections manifesto would be ready by January - a mere two months away.

In a statement later on Sunday, the DA said it had noted the announcement by De Lille "that she has formed a new political party".

"There are over 500 political parties in South Africa; Ms De Lille’s one will form part of that group," DA national spokesman Solly Malatsi said.

"The real test for any organisation will be at the polls on election day. Ms De Lille’s latest political move is consistent with her brand over the years. She has, whenever it has been politically expedient, moved from one political movement to another," he said.

"In the meantime, the DA will focus on our own campaign which we are engaging South Africans across the country about. We are committed to building one South Africa for all and we will not be distracted," Malatsi said.

African News Agency (ANA)

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