ANC urges people to submit comments on #LandExpropriation before deadline

African National Congress chief whip Jackson Mthembu Picture: ANA Reporter

African National Congress chief whip Jackson Mthembu Picture: ANA Reporter

Published Jun 14, 2018


Parliament - The African National Congress on Thursday encouraged the country's citizens and interested parties to make submissions to Parliament on a resolution to enforce the expropriation of land without compensation before the deadline expires.

Briefing journalists on the first six months of parliamentary work, African National Congress chief whip Jackson Mthembu reminded South Africans the deadline for public submissions to the committee set up to review section 25 of the Constitution was Friday, June 15.

"The CRC [Constitutional  Review Committee] will thereafter conduct public hearings in all nine provinces from 27 June to 4 August and report back to Parliament in September," said Mthembu.

Earlier this year, the National Assembly adopted a resolution to review section 25, which deals with property rights, in a bid to address skewed land ownership patterns in South Africa as a result of apartheid which saw millions of black South Africans dispossessed of their land.

African News Agency/ANA

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