Independent Media officially launches its #Elections2019 coverage

Published Apr 7, 2019


Independent Media officially launches its 2019 elections coverage on Monday, exactly one month before South Africa's most contested election yet. 

The Independent Media team will pull out all the stops in providing political content, as-it-happens video footage and fast digital news. 

With the #Elections2019 site already running, Independent will also use social media to inform and engage with readers. 

In an election highlighted by key questions such as land, corruption, state capture and state-owned enterprises, Independent Media aims to provide analysis from political commentators and digital and print interviews with the leaders of political parties. 

The #BornFree campaign will interview 94 SA citizens born after 1994 and the Free@25 campaign will be celebrating 25 years of democracy, looking at the successes and failures of government and the stories of normal South Africans. 

 Independent will be extending the election coverage to all of the group's publications in English and in isiZulu. 

As South Africa celebrates 25 years of democracy the issue of race is still topical, this election will put the spotlight on issues of the poor and the need for transformation. 

It will not be an easy election for any political party. The ruling party, the ANC faces a great internal rift and may suffer at the hands of the official opposition, the Democratic Alliance. The DA however is not home and dry from internal squabbles, this resurfacing after former mayor of Cape Town Patricia De Lille left the party saying the party was refusing to transform. The red berets are also no strangers to controversy, surviving a VBS bank scandal late last year. On Friday an EFF MP accused party president Julius Malema and his deputy Floyd Shivambu of financial mismanagement, self-enrichment and dictatorship. 

From this week, Independent Media will also be running a weekly poll to air the views of voters. 

As one of Africa's leading media companies, we believe it is our responsibility to bring you the latest election news as you exercise your right to vote.

Stay informed with the power of Independent.

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