Large amounts of money are being used to destabilise ANC - Gauteng branch

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Published Jul 16, 2018


Johannesburg - The ANC in Gauteng believes there are some efforts to distract the party ahead of next year's elections, as some ANC members have approached the courts ahead of the provincial conference this weekend. 

The party says those that decide to take the party to court should be liable for legal costs. 

Unhappy ANC members from branches in the Sedibeng region want the regional conference that took place at the end of June, to be nullified and for the newly elected regional leadership to be dissolved. They have filed papers in court.

The ANC Gauteng provincial secretary Hope Papo said the party was ready to defend itself in court as they were confident that proper processes were followed leading up the regional conferences. 

"Together with the ANC national office, the PEC will defend the organisation in any court action instituted against the ANC. We are confident that courts will find in our favour because all procedures were followed and disputes were heard and adjudicated properly and fairly by the PEC and NEC members," said Papo. 

"Large amounts of money are being used to destabilise our movement and make sure that it has no time to prepare for the 2019 elections," said Papo.   


Provincial conference;  

The Gauteng ANC is holding a provincial conference this weekend and the party said it is ready. 

The theme for the conference is "unity integrity, service and renewal; hundred years of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu".  

The conference is expected to elect new leaders and also discuss a variety of social economic issues for the province. 

Some of the issues to be discussed include: radical economic transformation, the Gauteng economy and the rising cost of living. 

The contentious topic of land will also be on the table, with the party expected to discuss land expropriation without compensation and how this can be implemented in the province in order to solve the issue land “hunger” by the province’s residents.

Political Bureau

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