LIVE FEED: State capture inquiry - July 6, 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Jul 6, 2020


Johannesburg - The Zondo commission will hear corruption-related testimony involving Bosasa.

Private contractor Charl Le Roux will take the stand at the commission on Monday morning. 

Last year, former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi shocked the nation when he revealed that Bosasa had run an elaborate bribery scheme implemented to secure numerous government contracts. The scheme ran for 13 years. 

He said as far as he can remember, he started being aware of bribery in 2004/2005 and this went on until he left the company in 2016. 

Agrizzi admitted when he first appeared at the inquiry that he was intricately involved in the corruption allegedly undertaken by the facilities management company. 

Bosasa is now known as African Global Operations. 


He told the commission that Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson, who is deceased, was behind the company’s decisions to bribe officials. Watson made sure that his name appeared nowhere in the paper trail, the inquiry heard. Other Bosasa-related witnesses also corroborated this view. 

Agrizzi said about 38 government officials and politicians were on Bosasa’s payroll. 

The company won over R2 billion in tenders over the years and it paid about R70 million in bribes. 

The most crucial tenders awarded to the company involved the Department of Correctional Services, the justice department, the Department of Home Affairs and Airports Company South African. 

Some officials in all these departments received bribes, Agrizzi alleged. 

Bosasa also allegedly bought its influence through donations. The ANC was also placed at the centre of Agrizzi’s evidence when he revealed that the party received around R12 million from Bosasa. 

He said this donation was presented to the ANC’s top six, but he could not remember the exact date. 


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