Mbalula says ANC list 'open to changes' as IEC rejects objections

ANC head of elections Fikile Mbalula. Picture: @MYANC/Twitter

ANC head of elections Fikile Mbalula. Picture: @MYANC/Twitter

Published Apr 9, 2019


Johannesburg - Emboldened by the IEC’s rejection of 29 objections to the ANC national list, the ANC’s head of elections Fikile Mbalula has reiterated that the ANC’s list remains open to changes. 

Mbalula said the ANC’s integrity committee had been tasked with investigating the ethical questions that surround the nominations of various members for Parliament and provincial legislatures.

The former minister of sports was speaking on the Eusebius MckaiserShow on Radio702 and insisted that the ethical standing of party members needs to be tested by the integrity committee. 

“The electoral commission decided today that there is nothing wrong about the ANC’s list and rejected all those objections. The ANC must do what it is supposed to do based on its processes. If the integrity committee comes to the conclusion even after the elections that a certain person does not pass the test and does not represent the ANC, that decision will be taken,” said Mbalula. 

The ANC has faced huge backlash over some notorious members making it on to the party's lists for Parliament and provincial legislatures. 

Those who have faced public scrutiny include ANC Women’s League President Bathabile Dlamini and former minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba. 

Both have had damning findings issued by courts regarding their work in government. 

When questions were raised about why these people were included, Mbalula and others within the ANC mentioned that the integrity committee of the party would look into ethical matters. 

Mbalula stressed that the party had chosen this route in an effort to avoid legal litigation and accusations that people were being prosecuted while they had no adverse findings against them. 

The ANC’s head of elections said those that are found to be unethical according to the party’s standards will be asked to step down. 

He told the media on Monday that the party had a “backup” list where other members would be replaced if the ones on the list are asked to resign. 

When asked on the allegations levelled against ANC secretary general Ace Magashule in the book Gangster State: Unravelling Ace Magashule’s Web of Capture, Mbalula said Magashule could be subjected to integrity committee and that he would not be able to escape it. 

“I am not the one who can answer that question about the secretary general of the ANC. We have put the checks and balances which is the integrity commission which will at all times make a determination about whether or not we are passing the test of ethical conduct. 

“He (Magashule) will be subjected to test of integrity and ethical conduct through the integrity commission, he cannot escape that. Either through tested and untested rumours that are actually made about the book and all the other things that are said before the Zondo commission,” said Mbalula. 

Political Bureau

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