Youth league urges government to cut all ties with Israel

Published May 16, 2018


Johannesburg - The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) on Wednesday called on the ANC-led government to cuts all diplomatic ties with Israel.

ANCYL spokesperson Mlondi Mkhize said they condemned the dastardly attacks, injuries and killings of Palestinians by the apartheid Israel forces and called on the youth of South Africa to stand in solidarity with their Palestinian counterparts.

"The ANCYL demands that Israel’s Ambassador to South Africa should be expelled from our country, and the embassy status be downgraded with immediate effect. This will be a more radical stance that could be taken by our government in solidarity with the people of Palestine," said Mkhize.




The ANCYL slammed this week's killings of scores of Palestinians who had gathered to protest against the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to demand the right to go back to their land that was illegally taken away 70 years ago upon the formation of the state of Israel.

"Scores of innocent Palestinians have been murdered and more than 2.000 have been injured in Gaza on Tuesday, raising the toll to 100 Palestinians murdered since the beginning of their protests on March 30, 2018," the organisation said.

"As the ANCYL, we welcome SA Government’s principled decision to withdraw our SA Foreign Mission in Tel Aviv, as a solidarity and comradely gesture in support of the Palestinians. This affirms our standing fraternal relations with the people of Palestine. We reiterate that a two-State solution is the best alternative to the ongoing impasse," said Mkhize.

Mkhize said the youth of Palestine deserve to enjoy peace, independence and freedom, just like the rest of the youth of the world.

African News Agency/ANA

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