Use these five tips to reclaim your time and become more productive

The world of work is fast and it does not stop. And finding extra hours in the day can feel like an impossible task. Picture:

The world of work is fast and it does not stop. And finding extra hours in the day can feel like an impossible task. Picture:

Published Jul 5, 2023


Productivity and ways to improve it are all the rage in the world of work.

With distractions all around workers, such as social media, noisy work environments and more, how can they get more hours out of the day?

The world of work is fast and it does not stop. And finding extra hours in the day can feel like an impossible task. This is according to Jeff Ryan the MD for AWCape.

Here’s five effective strategies to put more hours back into your day according to Ryan:


Automation is the key to increasing efficiency and saving time. Accept technology solutions, particularly cloud-based human resources, payroll, and accounting software.

These applications automate administrative activities, minimising manual labour and avoiding human mistake.

By automating regular operations, you free up crucial time for more essential tasks like strategic decision-making and professional development.

Embrace the power of collaboration

Recognise that you cannot accomplish it all. Identify jobs that may be assigned and consider outsourcing them.

Hiring freelancers, virtual assistants, or specialist service providers helps you to focus on vital obligations while delegating non-essential chores to qualified professionals. Outsourcing not only saves time, but also adds experience and new insights to your company.

Break free from analysis paralysis

Not every decision needs much thought and deliberation. You may drastically shorten decision-making time by using a more realistic approach.

Distinguish between crucial decisions that affect your company's long-term performance and regular ones that can be made quickly. Agile enterprises fail quickly and have quick feedback loops to change.

Gather critical facts, create clear objectives, and trust your intuition to make good decisions. Over-thinking can waste important time that might be spent elsewhere.

Create a company culture that inspires

A motivated and engaged workforce is essential for a thriving workplace. Fostering employee engagement, on the other hand, does not have to be a time-consuming undertaking.

Begin by establishing a healthy corporate culture that emphasises open communication, recognition, and work-life balance.

Encourage team members to take responsibility of their work and give them the authority to make decisions on their own.

You establish a self-sustaining system by cultivating a friendly and inclusive atmosphere in which people are motivated, engaged, and demand less micromanagement.

Find hidden gems in your to-do list

We all have duties that we dread, but combining them with fun pastimes might make them less painful. Make a to-do list that includes both necessary but unpleasant duties and things that you actually like.

For example, if you despise replying to emails, combine it with listening to a podcast or going for a brief stroll. By grouping these duties, you not only finish them more effectively, but you also discover tiny moments of enjoyment along the way.

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