Why working from your bed is a bad idea

File picture: Pexels

File picture: Pexels

Published Oct 18, 2020


Cape Town - Although working from bed is a slacker’s dream come true, it is unproductive - not to mention - bad for your back, cautions interior stylist and businesswoman Mali Langa.

Working in bed, the body naturally sends cues to relax because you’re lying down. Hence, being at a desk optimises concentration.

Langa said: “It is unhealthy to blur the spaces of work and rest, and they have different energies. On top of that, it is bad for your back.”

Justin Solomons is a retail agent, and working from home was a big adjustment. “I use a basic desk and chair,” he said. The 23-year-old had to adjust to the neighbour’s dogs barking and noisy traffic outside his home.

Administrator Charlene Wyngaard set up a workspace in her room with a desk and two monitors. Striking a balance between work and time off was difficult, she said. “You don’t have time for yourself.”

Adnaan Adams, 44, who works for an online marketing company from his home in Greenhaven, said: “During Covid-19, we took the opportunity to start homeschooling and converted part of my working space I work from into a classroom, added some whiteboards and a company couch.”

Langa advised that an organised space away from busy areas in the home was vital. “A simple desk, access to a power point for laptops and comfortable chair, with natural light, is optimum.”

She suggested that the office space should have stimulating colours to enhance one’s mood, and an indoor pot plant to enliven the workspace with some greenery.

Adding elements such as a bookcase, artwork or a display cabinet was also recommended. “If you are using your dining area to work, make sure you implement a system that makes it easy to pack and unpack your working station when the space is being used otherwise,” added Langa.

Good lighting was essential for productivity, and poor lighting options could lead to eye fatigue and headaches, she said.

Interior designer Steven Graham who owns Steven Graham Designs said all that was need was a desk, adding: “Even if you claim the dining room, the kitchen table, the garage workshop, the outside braai room or the shed, set boundaries with the family.

“Working in bed is the killer of all things wonderful. Your bedroom is the most important room in the house. Switch off,” Graham added.

Weekend Argus

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