WATCH: Evidence against #MceboDlamini 'still outstanding'

Wits student activist Mcebo Dlamini at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on Thursday. He faces charges related to the violent 2016 Fees Must Fall protests. Picture: Lindi Masinga/ANA

Wits student activist Mcebo Dlamini at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on Thursday. He faces charges related to the violent 2016 Fees Must Fall protests. Picture: Lindi Masinga/ANA

Published Oct 5, 2017


Johannesburg - The state on Thursday told the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court that ''certain aspects of the video footage was still outstanding" in the case against student activist Mcebo Dlamini related to the #FeesMustFall protests last year that turned violent.

State prosecutor Steven Rubin told the court video evidence had to be retrieved. He said copies of all documents needed for the trial had been given to the defence. 

As a result of the outstanding evidence the matter was postponed to 22 November. 

Student activist Mcebo Dlamini speaks after a brief court appearance on Thursday. Video: Lindi Dlamini/ANA

"My client is facing serious charges, we are going to look at the evidence thoroughly and we'll try write to the DPP for withdrawal of the charges," said Defence attorney Khathutshelo Mathibe following court proceedings.

Defence attorney, Khatutshelo Mathibe speaks about his client Mcebo Dlamini. Video: Lindi Dlamini/ANA

Mathibe said that Dlamini was starting exams on 18 October till 17 November, which means all pre-trial issues would be dealt with on 22 November.

"Probably they are trying to send a message to deter other activists. I'm repeating this year and the degree which I'm doing has a limit on the amount of repeats,"  Dlamini said outside the court.

African News Agency 

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