Algerian president pardons 3000 prisoners

FILE PHOTO: Newly elected Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune claps during a swearing-in ceremony in Algiers

FILE PHOTO: Newly elected Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune claps during a swearing-in ceremony in Algiers

Published Feb 4, 2020


World- Algerian President Abdelmadjid

Tebboune pardoned more than 3,000 prisoners on Tuesday as he seeks to win support after

months of political turmoil.

Prisoners who are serving sentences less than six months were pardoned. 

Tebboune, elected in December in a vote opposed by a huge

protest movement seeking the replacement of the entire ruling

elite, has said his top priority is to restore confidence.

Thousands of people are still protesting every Friday, but

the numbers appear to have waned since Tebboune's election and

his offer of talks with the opposition.

Last month he also ordered the release of dozens of people

who had been detained for taking part in the protests.

He has also promised a process to offer constitutional

amendments to the public through a referendum in order to give

parliament a bigger role and increase political freedoms.

A court in Algiers on Monday acquitted Samir Benlarbi, an

activist and a leading member of the protest movement who had

been detained for over four months for "harming the national


Several other activists are still in detention pending trail

in Algiers and other towns, but it was unclear whether the 3,471

people pardoned on Tuesday include those detained for

involvement in the recent political unrest.


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