#MatricResults: Time management was key for Laudium High pupil

Amogelang Masehane, Fatimah Shaheen and Fayzaan Ahmed. Picture: Jacques Naude African News Agency (ANA)

Amogelang Masehane, Fatimah Shaheen and Fayzaan Ahmed. Picture: Jacques Naude African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 5, 2019


Johannesburg - Manage your time effectively and work smart. This was the advice from Laudium High School top achiever Fayzaan Ahmed, after he bagged a full house of distinctions on Friday.

He spoke happily about his triumph, adding that he had never doubted himself, and had worked hard throughout the year.

“Twelve years of work. Now I've got my matric certificate. I got distinctions in all my subjects - seven - and it feels great.”

He is going to study chemical engineering at the University of Pretoria.

“One of the challenges I found very difficult was to manage my time effectively, and it is the number one issue most learners need to improve on.

“You’ve got seven subjects; some of them are very difficult, so one needs to identify the weaker areas and strengths and work accordingly,” he said.

Ahmed was not the only pupil to do the school proud.

Amogelang Mosehane achieved four distinctions and Fatimah Shaheen had one.

The pair agreed it was nothing but dedication and hard work which got them to this point.

“I now believe that hard work does really pay. My efforts were not for nothing. One just needs to be dedicated and give one's all,” Mosehane said.

The school’s principal, Daya Chetty, spoke proudly of the students.

“Congratulations to the class of 2018 for the phenomenal results.

“Our learners worked very hard and teachers put in a lot of effort - additional classes, holiday classes, all that helped boost the results,” Chetty said.

Saturday Star

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