Kaizer Chiefs’ Arthur Zwane defends his goalkeepers after a poor return

FILE - Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Brandon Petersen in action during a Nedbank Cup game. Photo: Gavin Barker/BackpagePix

FILE - Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Brandon Petersen in action during a Nedbank Cup game. Photo: Gavin Barker/BackpagePix

Published Apr 14, 2023


Johannesburg — Kaizer Chiefs’ living and late goalkeeping legends must be looking at the team’s current dilemma with pain.

Once regarded as the most successful club in the land, Chiefs boasted some top goalkeepers back in the day, dating back to Eshele Botende, followed by Brian Baloyi, Rowen Fernandez and Itumeleng Khune.

But such has been the team’s downfall in recent season, Chiefs talents between the sticks has declined, while Khune’s best days are unfortunately behind him as well.

This season alone, coach Arthur Zwane has fielded all his goalkeepers — Khune, Brandon Petersen and Bruce Bvuma. And yet not one of the trio has been at their best across all competitions.

In the Premiership alone, Chiefs have the fourth-worst defensive record, after conceding 28 goals in 25 matches, while they have scored 30 goals.

That feat has resulted in them losing out on the title to Mamelodi Sundowns, while they can only salvage their league season by finishing second on the standings.

Zwane duly conceded that his shot-stoppers haven’t been at their best, but says the defence has also not been up to par.

“I think that’s one department that has always been very strong in the team but unfortunately, this season, we find ourselves in a situation where we are conceding very cheap goals,” Zwane said.

“But it’s not only goalkeepers (that are making mistakes), but our defence as well. (But) I am glad that you are sort of mentioning stats (how well we’ve done in the past).

“We are one team that’s always in the forefront. Our goalkeepers are not usually busy at the back because we don’t allow teams to penetrate us easily.”

Granted, Chiefs have had a structure this season compared to the previous terms, but that they continue to commit schoolboy errors has led to their dire situation.

Since the start of the season, Zwane has had to chop and change his back four due to injuries, and most mistakes come as his defenders fail to be solid for the rest of the game.

“Unfortunately, when we make mistakes, we get punished – and we make costly mistakes. If I am not mistaken, 80% if not 90% of the goals that we conceded this season, we scored for the opposition,” Zwane said.

“It was a manna from heaven. We didn’t work hard. And whenever we apply ourselves correctly, we make it difficult (for the opposition). That’s why goalkeepers at some point become too relaxed.”

Chiefs’ goalkeepers and defenders will know that they can’t afford to relax or allow room for defensive mistakes when they visit Royal AM in the Nedbank Cup quarter-final on Sunday afternoon. Or else they'll run the risk of extending their trophy drought to eight seasons.


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