Gcinile safe after video leak and legal steps taken against Grootman, says organisation

Gcinile Twala and Themba Selahle, also known as Grootman. Picture: Instagram

Gcinile Twala and Themba Selahle, also known as Grootman. Picture: Instagram

Published May 22, 2024


After mounting calls to have forex trader Themba “Grootman” Selahle held accountable for allegedly leaking a sex video of him and his former lover, Gcinile Twala, it has been revealed that the matter was set to be handled legally.

Women For Change (WFC), advocating against gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa, has confirmed on social media that Twala is safe, disclosing that legal action has been taken against Selahle.

“Do not engage with any ‘Gcinile Twala’ social media account, as Gci has deactivated herself and has no other profiles. Any other account is fake.

“Do not engage with any content from Grootman. Instead, report his account! We need to stop giving him attention. Narcissistic men adore attention. Do not engage!

“Gci is safe, and she is taking legal steps. We are getting support from the Film and Publication Board (Content Regulatory Authority of South Africa), and the matter will be handled the way it should be, legally and in court.

“The most important thing is to keep Gci, her child, and her family safe and get justice for them. We will not share more details for now.”

Selahle allegedly threatened to publish their private interactions on his social media to the video leak a few days before.

This sparked outrage, driving conversations around revenge porn, which was declared illegal in South Africa when the Film and Publication Bill of 2015 was passed.

Speaking about revenge porn, WFC said: “Revenge porn is one of the most horrific crimes, and it is illegal in South Africa. It is a malicious act intended to humiliate, degrade, and harm the victim, often leaving them feeling powerless and exposed. The emotional and psychological toll on survivors is immense.

“The video has been widely trending on social media, and every share, comment, and view adds another layer to the trauma. We demand justice for Gcinile. Grootman must be arrested and held accountable for his actions. We call on law enforcement, policymakers, and community leaders to take a stand against revenge porn and all forms of gender-based violence. Arrest Grootman.”

The Star