South Africans say Zuma was slapped with a harsh sentence because of his surname

Mdumiseni Zuma, July unrest incitement case. Picture: NPA

Mdumiseni Zuma, July unrest incitement case. Picture: NPA

Published Nov 29, 2023


A number of social media platform X users are not taking too kindly the 12 years’ direct imprisonment of Mdumiseni Zuma in the July unrest incitement case.

Others are suggesting that he got this harsh sentence simply because he is a “Zuma”.

This relates to the violence that took place in 2021 in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal after former president Jacob Zuma was arrested and kept at Estcourt Correctional Facility.

Violence broke out in the two provinces, and over 300 people died as hundreds looted shops, violent attacks on people and property and disruption of economic activities, most people were left unemployed.

Today, the Pietermaritzburg Regional Court sentenced Zuma, 36, to an effective 12 years’ imprisonment following his conviction on contravening Sections 17 and 18 of the Riotous Assemblies Act, where he incited people to gather and commit public violence.

NPA spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said this was done by making an inciteful video, pertaining to the Brookside Mall, and distributing it on the WhatsApp platform.

The charges relate to the incidents of looting and public violence, which occurred in July 202, during this time, the Brookside Mall in Pitermaritzburg was looted and burnt to the ground.

Representing the State, Senior State Advocate Yuri Gangai led the evidence of video footage, audio clips and the testimony of a guard who worked at the mall. Gangai further led the evidence of two experts who translated the audio clips.

In aggravation of sentence, Gangai led the testimony of the manager of the mall.

The man said that the estimated damage caused by the looting and fire was approximately R500 million. He further stated that the mall serviced five different communities, as well as about 5 000 people who collected their SASSA grants there. They have all been adversely affected by the burning down of the mall.

Zuma was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for count one (two years of which are suspended for five years on condition that he is not convicted of the same offences during the period of suspension).

He was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment (two years of which are to run concurrently with count one). This results in an effective sentence of 12 years direct imprisonment.

“While the NPA in KZN has finalised several cases in respect of the July 2021 unrest, this is the first conviction where an individual has been convicted and subsequently sentenced for inciting the unrest. We hope that this sentence serves as a deterrent to others who intend on engaging in similar offences. We commend the working relationship between the DPCI KZN and the Prosecution,” said Ramkisson-Kara.

X user Thulaganyo wrote: “His only sin was to be a Zuma.”

Seeming to agree with Thulaganyo, is Balemsi Unathi, who wrote: “I think that surname cost him a lot.”

Another user Black Bear wrote: “This punishment doesn’t fit the crime... talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.”

During the violence, 36 black people were killed in Phoenix, allegedly by a number of vigilante Indian community members.

Independent Media then was on the ground, they interviewed some survivors who told them that they were innocent, not looting but attacked by these individuals.

To date no conviction has taken place for the killing of 36 people.

Survivor, Zandile Mthembu’s car was burned. she told Independent Media that she thought she was going to die.

“I was travelling on Phoenix Highway alone to go and buy chronic medication for my grandmother in-law when I came across a group of people, one car bumped my car on purpose. It was like I was in a movie. Realising that I was hit, I parked on the side of the road, they immediately torched it. I watched a car I worked hard for burning in front of my eyes.

“The group of Indian men pulled me out of the car, some said they must shoot me. I was crying, I asked what was happening, they told me that I was looting. They took me to the nearby river, they pointed a gun to my head. I was begging for mercy, I told them that they have already killed me by burning (my car) and beating me up. One man advised them to not kill me.

“With all this beating happening, a woman and her family (also Indian) watched me. When the group was walking away, the woman advised me to go to a bush and use a trail to reach the other side. Indeed when I reached the other side the husband and the son came to my rescue, they drove me to a safe place,” Mthembu had said.

X user Nape write: “Indians killed people in Phoenix and they’re free.”

Another notable arrest of the July unrest was that of 32-year-old Mbuso Moloi.

A few months ago, the Durban Regional Court sentenced Moloi, the so-called Woolworths looter, to a three-year prison sentence, which is wholly suspended for five years. He is subjected to 18 months of correctional supervision under house arrest.