The people of Namaqualand: a struggle amid riches, a vision for transformation

Louis Liebenberg with the inhabitants of Namaqualand. | Supplied

Louis Liebenberg with the inhabitants of Namaqualand. | Supplied

Published Jul 10, 2023


Johannesburg - In the rugged expanse of Namaqualand, a region stretching along South Africa’s West Coast, a paradox is etched into the landscape.

This area, incredibly rich in minerals, houses communities that have been left impoverished due to an imbalance in the wealth distribution from the mining industry.

The resilient inhabitants of Namaqualand, enduring the harsh and unforgiving terrain, have long observed the exploitation of their land’s mineral wealth, with hardly any benefits reaching them.

Historically, multinational corporations like De Beers have extracted immense wealth from the mineral-rich soils of Namaqualand. Diamonds, in particular, have proven lucrative for these companies. However, the local communities have barely seen a fraction of these profits. Instead, they’ve been left to grapple with environmental degradation and social displacement as their lands are excavated and their homes displaced.

Recently, a new trend has surfaced in Namaqualand: the rise of artisanal miners, known locally as “diggers”. Driven by desperation and poverty, these individuals have taken the initiative, extracting diamonds from the soil using basic tools and techniques.

Despite their determination, their efforts come with considerable risks. The diggers dig deep shafts, some reaching depths of 30m, which pose a significant safety threat. The frequent collapses of these shafts have led to tragic fatalities, casting a grim shadow over this desperate endeavour.

Amid these dire circumstances, Louis Liebenberg, a local entrepreneur and visionary, has proposed an innovative solution. He dreams of a safe environment for these miners, enabling them to extract the valuable minerals from their land without risking their lives.

Through his acquisition of the mining rights of West Coast Resources, Liebenberg has taken a significant step towards actualising his vision. Recognising the potential for community upliftment through the legalisation of the artisanal miners’ work, he has actively engaged with these individuals, initiating a dialogue around co-operation and mutual respect.

For Liebenberg, legalising the miners’ activities is part of a broader recognition of their importance to the region. He sees the artisanal miners not just as workers, but as critical stakeholders in Namaqualand’s future. Their hard work and tenacity reflect the spirit of the South African people residing in the area, and acknowledging that their contribution is key to realising meaningful social transformation.

Liebenberg’s initiatives aim to channel the wealth generated from the mining operations towards funding community upliftment projects. His vision includes infrastructure development, educational programmes and other initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the local residents. These projects, funded by the mining profits, would signify a significant departure from the past, where the benefits of Namaqualand’s mineral riches were enjoyed primarily by external entities.

Liebenberg’s vision for Namaqualand is one of inclusivity and empowerment, where the land’s wealth is used to enrich the lives of those who inhabit it. Through co-operation and understanding, he hopes to transform the region into a place where the mineral wealth beneath the soil truly benefits those who live above it. Amid the struggle, there lies a hopeful vision for a transformed Namaqualand.

The Star

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