Wits wants to raise R3bn for deserving missing middle students

File Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency(ANA)

File Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Oct 12, 2020


Wits University is trying to raise more than R3 billion for deserving missing middle students by the end of 2022.

The university has started an endowment fund as part of its Centenary Campaign. Wits turns 100 in 2022. The fund has so far received a donation of R150m from a Wits alumni – Natie Kirsh.

“Wits is a national treasure renowned for its research and academic excellence, and commitment to social justice. It is imperative for all sectors of society to invest in research-intensive universities that have the ability to create new knowledge and to develop the high-level skills required to advance society,” Professor Adam Habib, the outgoing vice-chancellor and principal, said, adding that the campaign was meant to address the funding of missing middle students.

Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, who will take over from Habib as vice-chancellor at the beginning of next year, said:

“The establishment of a substantial student endowment fund will go a long way towards transforming the lives of talented Wits students. It is thus with great pleasure and gratitude that we welcome the Kirsh Foundation’s R150m endowment commitment.”

Kirsh said it was important to give back to the institution that shaped his life. The billionaire started an eSwatini corn-milling business in 1958 and later started Jetro Holdings, a New York-based company that manages Jetro Cash & Carry and Restaurant Depot in South Africa.

He said: “Wits played an integral role in transforming my life. I am giving back with the hope that Wits can have the same impact in transforming the lives of young people for generations to come. I am a proud member of the Wits community, and I hope that my contribution encourages my fellow alumni to join me in supporting the Centenary Campaign.”

Wits hopes that businesses and alumni will donate to the fund.

The Star

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