Zimbabwean serial killer and rapist sentenced to eight life sentences plus 88 years

Convicted serial rapist Themba Prince Willards Dube, aged 36, has been sentenced to eight life sentences plus 88 years. Picture: National Prosecuting Authority

Convicted serial rapist Themba Prince Willards Dube, aged 36, has been sentenced to eight life sentences plus 88 years. Picture: National Prosecuting Authority

Published Mar 15, 2023


Johannesburg - A 36-year-old Zimbabwean serial murderer and rapist has been sentenced to eight life sentences plus 88 years’ imprisonment.

The Limpopo Polokwane High Court convicted and sentenced Themba Prince Willards Dube, of Gwanda Mpaya village in Zimbabwe, to eight life sentences plus 88 years in prison for two counts of rape, six counts of murder, five counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances, one count of extortion, one count of theft, one count of possession of stolen property, and one count of being an illegal immigrant.

The accused was acquitted on one count of murder, five counts of rape, two counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances, and seven counts of kidnapping.

According to Limpopo National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi, Dube came to South Africa without a passport or permit in 2008.

She said that he was first detained on October 26, 2021, for having what was thought to be a stolen cellphone that belonged to a woman who had been abducted in Lebowakgomo that same month.

“He was in custody when four women’s bodies were found dumped at various places throughout the Capricorn region as a result of the investigations. The accused indicated seven locations where he allegedly killed the victims. Prior to being apprehended, he requested R1 000 over the phone from the deceased’s family, who then paid it into the deceased’s Capitec account. During the course of the inquiry, some of the deceased’s belongings were discovered in the accused’s rented room at Seshego Zone 3.”

She said that during the trial, the State witnesses told the court that Dube introduced himself as David or Prince and made false promises to all the deceased about the existence of employment opportunities at various places.

“He took the deceased persons to the bushes near Polokwane Airport, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Dendron Road, Matlala Road, and Blood River, where they were raped, robbed and killed."

“On aggravation of sentence, the State advocate Calvin Chauke submitted that the accused does not show any signs of remorse, the premeditated offences should be harshly taken into consideration, and the nature of the victims (women) were vulnerable members of the society.”

“He continued by saying that a woman is killed and raped every week. The State prosecutor further submitted that the accused does not feel any pain for what he caused the families of the deceased, and the court should not deviate from imposing the specified minimum punishment.”

She added that Judge Griet Muller said the offences were premeditated, the accused does not show any remorse for his actions, the families of the deceased have lost their loved ones, especially those with children, and he further said that gender-based violence will not be tolerated.

“The Director of Public Prosecutions, advocate Ivy Thenga, has welcomed the sentence and applauds the good work done by advocate Chauke and the detectives Seroka, Manaka, Mokgohla, Magadani and Matumba.”

He said: “We hope this sentence shows that the justice system has no mercy to all criminals who violate our women and children, and we will continue to fight the scourge of gender-based violence.”

The Star