10 baby shower gifts to give a new mom

Published Dec 11, 2018


Johannesburg - The announcement has been made, the hugs have been given and now the baby shower is just around the corner and you still have no idea what to buy.

When someone close to you is about to become a mom for the first time, the excitement is unlike anything else. Knowing that a new little life is about to come into this crazy world, your initial thoughts are likely to centre on spoiling the little one rotten. Then you start looking around at baby products and realise that you can’t buy them all.

While you can’t put every gift in the basket, these  10 baby shower gifts could be just the unique and useful gift you are in search of.

1. Handmade Anything

The gifts that are treasured the most are normally not the ones from a shop. When an expectant mom has a special someone in her life who can knit, crochet or is otherwise crafty, the gifts will become some of the most sentimental a new mom can receive. Handmade gifts can last a lifetime, and one day the little one who benefited from it might even to pass it onto their own children.

2. Calming Sounds

White noise machines are becoming really popular, and their ability to soothe a newborn to sleep means new parents can also get some much needed shut eye. These helpful little machines come in all shapes and sizes, some of which even resemble a soft toy, and can be put close to the cot.

3. Self-Care for Mom

It’s called a Duo Diary and it can ease the overwhelming feelings that many new moms quietly deal with. Designed to encourage moms to give a little energy to themselves, this postpartum journal creates a space in which mothers can document their own emotional journey and physical progress after giving birth, as well as document information about their growing child. It’s easy to brush off how you are feeling once there is a new life to care for. With this diary, you can address your new reality in a healthy way.

4. A Non-Contact Thermometer

This is the kind of gift that can be used well beyond the baby years. A non-contact thermometer can measure temperatures on the forehead, without touching the baby and once the child is older, it can be used in the ear.

5. A Pacifying Clip

You can find these in most baby shops, and they are a godsend for when the little one starts sucking (and dropping) a pacifier. New moms don’t have the time to constantly wash dropped dummies. This clip attaches to the child’s clothing and to the pacifier, so when the pacifier drops, it won’t fall to the ground.

6. A Baby Wrap

An absolute lifesaver for all moms, the wrap is a chic way to carry a baby. There are quite a few of them on the market, and some of the best can be ordered online. With a wrap, the busy mom can have her baby close and her hands free! Wraps will provide enough support for both mother and baby.

7. Nursing Covers

Being covered up while breastfeeding can give much desired privacy while feeding a babe. And a trendy nursing cover is so much more than just a cover, it can become a totally fashionable accessory. New moms who might be uncertain about the whole process, will appreciate having a cover while getting to grips with feeding while out in public.

8. Teething Treats

When those little teeth start making their big appearance, sometimes to the chorus of a screaming, uncomfortable child, every mom will welcome a teething toy. Whether it is a specific toy to gnaw happily on, or a soothing, special beaded necklace, this kind of gift will provide plenty of comfort for both mama and baby.

9. Recovery Kit

Many a new mother can agree that recovery after birth can be both physically and emotionally tough. So if you want to break with convention ever so slightly, why not give a recovery kit? You can make your own by buying all kinds of pampering products such as bath salts, teas, creams and balms created specifically for the needs of a new mom.

10. Special gift baskets

Unique gift baskets are all the rage and they are available in all shapes and sizes. And depending on where you get your basket, you could also have the option of customising your gift. When giving a baby gift basket you are really going the extra mile. You can choose a gift basket filled with the baby basics or you can go the other route and buy one that consists of clothing branded with the baby’s name. Some of the gifts listed above are sometimes included.

These are just a handful of the memorable and much-loved baby shower gifts you can give, and each one will have a special, most-welcomed place in the nursery.

* BebdeParis, the world’s leading gift store for new born gifts and hampers, is now open in South Africa. Check out our amazing opining specials and order your next gift online, from the convenience of your home.

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