5 Instagrammers that inspire us to travel

Shay Mitchell at Rwanda National Park earlier this year.

Shay Mitchell at Rwanda National Park earlier this year.

Published Aug 11, 2017


For those people who follow my Instagram (@clintondeantravels) they would know that I am a travel junkie who follows anything travel related. For any traveller who wants to gain inspiration to plan a new trip, these 5 instagrammers are ones to watch. 


 Known as Carlinn, Camps Bay Girl is a travel, lifestyle and fashion writer that showcases the beauty of South Africa through a series of beautifully thought of photographs. Her pictures are usually taken from behind, showcasing the scenic views around her. We love the shot of her at Grootbos in the dunes.


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Bax Dibakoane’s Instagram is colourful, fun and abstract. With a passion for South Africa, his feed makes us want to book a flight to Cape Town and watch the sunset at one of the beaches.


A post shared by Bax | Travel | South Africa (@dudefromsa) on Mar 30, 2017 at 10:45pm PDT



The founder of Beautiful Destinations Jeremy Jauncey Instagram feed bursts with beauty from across the world. Whether he is petting an arctic dog in Finland or feeding a panda in China, Jauncey gives a taste of we missing out by not travelling.

A post shared by Jeremy Jauncey (@jeremyjauncey) on May 13, 2017 at 5:36am PDT


The Pretty Little Liars actress is giving us travel FOMO with her stunning travel pics walking the streets of Greece for her Shaycation to riding a camel in Jordan. This year, Mitchell has been posting a lot of travel related content. She was in Africa earlier this year enjoying a safari.

He was excited for his close up

A post shared by Shay Mitchell (@shaymitchell) on Jul 27, 2017 at 1:53pm PDT


 Described as a solo/couple and family travel gram, these three South Africans showcase their adventures in South Africa and around the world. What makes them special is the fact that their posts cater for everyone. They showcase new and exciting places anyone, even a solo traveller, can visit.


Me and my boys ❤️ #familytravel #meetsouthafrica #shotleft #farm #travel

A post shared by The Travel Manuel (@thetravelmanuel) on Jul 14, 2017 at 11:21am PDT

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