Durban Olympic bid gets a boost

Published Aug 8, 2008


By Sipho Khumalo & Suren Naidoo

Durban's bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics was given a major boost yesterday when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that the city would be the venue for the committee's 2011 congress to announce the host of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

The announcement would be made after the 123rd IOC General Assembly's congress.

Those behind Durban's bid for the 2020 Olympics are planning to canvass high-ranking IOC chiefs for the city to host the global spectacle.

The IOC's decision to declare Durban the venue for the 2011 congress - ahead of Hong Kong - has been widely welcomed.

The event will see thousands of influential personalities, accompanied by world media, descending on Durban, giving the city and KwaZulu-Natal exposure to more than one billion TV viewers.

Ethekwini municipal manager Michael Sutcliffe, speaking from Beijing where the announcement was made, described the IOC's decision as "an incredible honour".

"Granting us the opportunity to host you in 2011 would reinforce our place as part of the family of sporting nations in this, the 90th year of our iconic leader, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela," he said.

"It will help us pay tribute to the legacy of all great Olympic athletes from Africa, and assist us as we entrench the Olympic spirit among our people."

Hosting the event would mean a lot for Durban and KwaZulu-Natal.

"Not only economically and from a marketing point of view, but it will also be the first time the IOC hosts such a prestigious meeting in Africa," he said.

Ethekwini mayor Obed Mlaba was delighted.

"It comes on the eve of our Olympic team's formal reception in Beijing and a day before our athletes attend the opening of the Beijing Olympics, and is great news for Durban, South Africa and Africa," he said.

Arts, culture and tourism MEC Weziwe Thusi said the announcement was exciting news for KZN tourism. The eyes of the world would be focused on Durban and KZN, "providing another rare opportunity for the world to see what our province has to offer international visitors", she said.

Sport and recreation MEC Amichand Rajbansi said the IOC's move was a great step towards Durban getting the 2020 Olympics.

"The fact that Durban has been chosen as the venue for the IOC meeting improves the stature of our city," he said.

South African Tourism chief executive officer Moeketsi Mosola was "absolutely thrilled".

"The announcement reinforced the fact that without doubt South Africa is recognised internationally as a world-class tourism destination worthy and capable of hosting global events of the magnitude and stature of the IOC congress in 2011.

"It shows the kind of confidence that the IOC has in South Africa and Durban - following our country hosting major events like the 1995 and 2003 rugby and cricket world cups; the African Nations Cup in 1996; the Twenty20 Cricket World Cup last year; and the big 2010 Fifa World Cup."

Durban Tourism acting chief executive Perry Moodley said hosting the IOC congress was a strategic move in light of the city's ambition to host a summer Olympics.

"Getting Olympic decision-makers from around the world in Durban is most important. We want them to see the infrastructure we have and are building. We believe the city has a strong chance of hosting an Olympic Games," he said.

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