Holiday, heading home or staycation: Where are South Africans spending their December?

In a targeted online poll led by Red Bull, responses reflect what many already suspect: the vast majority of South Africans are planning a staycation this festive season. Picture: Supplied.

In a targeted online poll led by Red Bull, responses reflect what many already suspect: the vast majority of South Africans are planning a staycation this festive season. Picture: Supplied.

Published Dec 18, 2020


With there being nothing ‘usual’ about 2020, South Africans have made significant adjustments to their festive season plans.

In a targeted online poll led by Red Bull, responses reflect what many already suspect: the vast majority of South Africans are planning a staycation this festive season, with 60.6% of respondents to the Red Bull poll intending to hunker down at home for the holidays.

Supporting this insight is Stats SA, which reported a massive decrease in domestic tourism that saw the local hospitality industry’s income from accommodation sales drop by 72.9% year-on-year in September 2020.

Furthermore, Nielsen predicts that those financially impacted by the pandemic will significantly reduce holiday-season spending, instead seeking options closer to home which suits their budgets. According to Nielsen, even those lucky few with disposable income to spare have to contend with local travel restrictions which will impact their usual spending and travel patterns.

Lamiez Holworthy, one of SA’s most sought after DJs, said staying home doesn’t mean that you can’t have an amazing holiday.

“After the year we have all just been through, quality time with our nearest and dearest at home might be just what we all need," she said.

For those staycationers who are feeling bored and restless with being at home, Holworthy advises shaking up familiar environments and habits to make the most of the festive break.

“Prioritising self-care is one of my favourite trends to emerge from 2020, so draw on your experience so far this year to design the ultimate you-fest. Whatever activity you choose to indulge in, all that matters is that you’re putting time and effort into enjoying yourself," added Holworthy.

Where will you be spending your December break? Tweet us on IOL Travel’s Twitter page.

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