LOOK: The airline seats of the future

Avio Interiors revealed two seating options that airlines could change the way people fly Post-Covid-19. Picture: Avio Interiors.

Avio Interiors revealed two seating options that airlines could change the way people fly Post-Covid-19. Picture: Avio Interiors.

Published May 7, 2020


Airlines will have to rethink their seating arrangements once Covid-19 is over. Many airlines that are not flying due to travel bans and lockdown restrictions are using the time to look at ways they can make their passengers comfortable post-Covid-19. 

Avio Interiors, a company that has produced aircraft cabin interiors and passenger seats for over 40 years, revealed two seating options that airlines could consider to ensure that travellers maintain social distancing without compromising their current seat configuration.

The Glassafe seat. Picture: Avio Interiors.

The suggestions include the Janus Seat and Glassafe, which will curb the spread of germs in confined spaces. The company describes Glassafe as a kit-level solution that can be installed on the airline’s existing seats. 

Glassafe, which will make being close to other passengers safer, is made of transparent material to create an isolated volume around the passenger to avoid or minimise contact and reduce the probability of contamination by viruses. Avio’s Glassafe allows for easy installation and removal. 

The Janus Seat. Picture: Avio Interiors.

The Janus Seat is more complex and changes the way travellers will sit in a post-Covid-19 world.The company gained inspiration from Greek God Janus. The idea is that the middle aisle will be in the reverse position, which will provide a barrier for those seated in the window and aisle seats. Janus allows each passenger to enjoy their space isolated from others, even from people who walk through the aisle.

The company revealed that each seat is surrounded on three sides by a high shield that prevents the breath propagation to occupants of adjacent seats. The seat is made of easy cleaning and safe hygienisation materials.

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