Week 21

Published Dec 12, 2000



Your uterus starts moving up above your navel. You'll notice a rapid increase in the size of your uterus during this trimester.

By the end of 27 weeks, the foetus will be about four times bigger than it was at 12 weeks.

As the uterus becomes too big to fit within your pelvis, internal organs are pushed out of their usual places, and greater tension is placed on surrounding muscles and ligaments.

All of this growth is likely to result in some discomfort.

The common aches and pains of the second trimester mostly stem from the increase in the size and weight of the uterus, as well as from the effects of pregnancy's hormones.

Don't be alarmed if you experience some aches in your lower abdomen as this is merely the stretching of your muscles and ligaments allowing for your growing uterus to be supported.

As your skin begins to stretch across your abdomen, you may feel some itching.

Being out of breath is not strange now (for example when climbing the stairs) and this increases as your expanding uterus pushes up against your lungs.

Dad-to-be may feel a bit left out now things are visibly moving along.

Start considering joining a childbirth class.


Several changes took place in your baby's skin.

For one, baby is enveloped in vernix - that is her own waterproofing of a creamy, white substance aimed at protecting her skin whilst immersed in the amniotic fluid.

Baby's putting on weight and is weighing about 390gr and measures about 28cm.

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