Zumba and it's surprising positive effects on you health

In these years physical activity contributes to emotional regulation, and body positivity, and reduces risky behaviour. Picture: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

In these years physical activity contributes to emotional regulation, and body positivity, and reduces risky behaviour. Picture: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Published Jan 27, 2023


You've undoubtedly noticed the striking similarity between a Zumba class and the dance floor of a popular club on a Saturday night, if you've ever watched one.

A Zumba session has upbeat dancing music, clapping hands, and even the odd “Woo!” or exclamation of joy from an ardent participant, as opposed to the groans you’d hear at your average CrossFit or indoor cycling class.

Zumba is a workout that incorporates dancing moves set to music that are influenced by diverse Latin American dance forms. Around the world, it has emerged as a trendy and well-liked exercise. But does it work well for calorie burning, arm toning, and muscle building?

It is a full-body workout.

There are no right or wrong ways to do Zumba, which was created as a fusion of aerobics and salsa. You are engaging in the activity as long as you are moving in time with the music.

Zumba includes moving your entire body, including your arms, shoulders, and feet, so you’ll receive a full-body exercise that doesn't seem like labour.

You'll lose weight and burn calories.

According to a short 2012 research paper titled Zumba: Is the ‘Fitness-Party’ a Good Workout? a typical 39-minute Zumba session burnt 9.5 calories per minute on average, working out to 369 calories for the duration of the lesson.

To encourage weight reduction and maintain a healthy body weight, the Register of Exercise Professionals of South Africa advises that people burn 300 calories every session. Zumba nicely satisfies their parameters.

A 12-week Zumba programme can significantly increase aerobic fitness, according to research in the study Cardiovascular effects, body composition, quality of life, and pain following a Zumba fitness programme in Italian overweight women.

You will hone endurance.

With just a few exercises, you may start to increase your endurance thanks to the fast-paced music used in Zumba classes.

According to the aforementioned study, participants in a 12-week Zumba programme had lower heart rates and systolic blood pressure with more effort. The rise in endurance and these developments are related.

Cardiovascular fitness will improve.

The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine reports that individuals should exercise at between 64% and 94% of their HRmax, a measurement of an athlete’s maximum heart rate, if they want to enhance their cardiovascular fitness.

An athlete’s maximal oxygen consumption range, measured as VO₂ max, is between 40% and 85%.

All Zumba participants, according to the same study, were within these HRmax and VO2 max limits. They were working out at an average heart rate of 79% and VO₂ maximum of 66%.

Zumba is, therefore, a useful workout for boosting aerobic capacity, a marker of cardiovascular health.

Better blood pressure

Following a 12-week Zumba exercise programme, participants in the aforementioned study on a group of overweight women had substantial drops in blood pressure and gains in body weight.

Another research from 2015 indicated that participants’ blood pressure decreased after just 17 Zumba lessons, under the title Benefits of Zumba Fitness among inactive people with components of the metabolic syndrome: a pilot study.

It may be modified for any level of fitness.

Everyone can work out at their own energy level with Zumba since it's scalable and you move independently to the beat of the music.

It's communal.

Zumba is a communal exercise, so once you enter a class, you will essentially be welcomed into a social setting.

The benefits of group exercise include exposure to a social and enjoyable setting, an accountability aspect, and a safe and effective workout that you can follow along with, according to The Register of Exercise Professionals of South Africa.

This is everything in place of a fitness schedule that you must create and stick to on your own.

Your pain threshold may rise as a result.

Aspire to be tough? Go for Zumba! According to a 2016 study, participants in a 12-week Zumba programme experienced less severe pain and less pain interference.

You can enhance your standard of living.

A successful Zumba programme offers social advantages of a group workout in addition to health advantages. These combined benefits can help people live better lives.

Who’s up for some dancing now? Today, check out a Zumba class at your neighbourhood gym.