UKZN issues notice for students to vacate residences by end of June

Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

Published May 29, 2023


The University of KwaZulu-Natal has issued a notice to students to vacate residence by the end of the month.

The university said it was asking students to leave to so that it could deep clean residences on and off campus. It said it also wanted to attend to repairs at some residences.

"This applies to all on and off campus, including leased residences. Submissions from individual lecturers or similar in support of a student remaining in residence will not be accepted by the Department of Student Residences Affairs.

“Only requests forwarded and supported by the dean and head of school and/or the international office and received by the respective DSRA offices on or before June 20 will be accepted," UKZN said in an official statement.

UKZN said no submissions would be dealt with after June 30.

UKZN spokesperson Normah Zondo said the university was planning to fumigate, attend to general maintenance and conduct a deep clean of the residences when students were away.

“Residence students are expected to vacate their rooms during the holiday periods. The university provides storage space for students to place their belongings while they are away.

“Some residences are earmarked for roof replacement during this time,” she explained.

The institution said students whose names are on the lists from schools and/or the international students office are expected to sign a vacation accommodation form through their residence administrators between June 26 and 29.

"Students who qualify for the extended accommodation process will be charged per day. The extended accommodation fee is payable in advance, before admission to vacation residences. The method of payment is obtainable from the DSRA offices.

"DSRA will identify vacation residences on each campus where all students with permission to stay behind will be accommodated. Approved vacation students are expected to comply with the request to move to the respective vacation residences identified by DSRA.

“Transport to off-campus residences, UKZN owned and leased residences, will end at 5.30 on June 27 for all campuses while all residences will officially open on July 21 for the second semester for all campuses except for Medical School residences because of their sessional dates," UKZN said.

Everything you need to know about the residence exit procedure:

All students must sign out on the register with their respective RAs. No personal belongings are to be left in the students’ rooms, as each room will be cleaned and fumigated during the vacation period.

All students’ personal belongings must be packed into labelled boxes and stored away in the box rooms. Boxes must be clearly marked with student name, student number and room number.

Students are to ensure that they register their belongings with the RA before storing them in the box rooms.

All belongings in the box rooms are stored at the owner’s risk.

No fridges must be left in student rooms. Fridges must be emptied, defrosted, dried completely inside and labelled before they can be stored in any box room. A fine will be levied to the owner if the fridge is left in the room.

Any personal belongings found in student rooms will be removed and kept at the owner’s risk, and such owners shall be fined for not removing their belongings.

All personal belongings must be taken out of the box rooms within seven days of the official start of the second semester academic calendar for 2023; that is, by close of business on 28th July 2023. If belongings are not collected after the period stipulated above, DSRA will have no option but to dispose of them.

A verification of room assets and contents will be conducted, and if there are damages to university assets in students’ rooms, the student will be liable for the cost of replacing the assets.

The Department of Student Residence Affairs takes this opportunity to wish all students well for the holidays with their families! Travel safe, and take care of your health and well-being over the winter holidays.


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