Injuries loom if Bundesliga restarts with too many matches, Fortuna Dusseldorf coach

Fortuna Dusseldorf coach Uwe Roesler fears a large number of injuries if too many matches are played in short succession in a possible Bundesliga restart. Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa via AP

Fortuna Dusseldorf coach Uwe Roesler fears a large number of injuries if too many matches are played in short succession in a possible Bundesliga restart. Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa via AP

Published May 1, 2020


DUSSELDORF - Fortuna Dusseldorf coach Uwe Roesler fears a large

number of injuries if too many matches are played in short succession

in a possible Bundesliga restart.

Roesler told the Rheinische Post paper late Thursday there should be

no mid-week games at first when the league resumes, in an effort to

ease the physical stress on the players.

"It can not be that we throw the players under a bus by playing every

three days over four weeks," Roesler said.

"I wouldn't start with a three-game week and after the first one

would follow up with a full week of training. If not, there is fear

of a string of injuries."

Bundesliga clubs are yet to restart full team training as the league

has been suspended since mid-March because of the coronavirus. There

are nine rounds left in the season and the German Football League

(DFL) hopes to play all matches behind closed doors until the end of


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and state premiers are to discuss a

possible restart on Wednesday. The first matches are not expected to

take place until May 23, after the league had at first hoped for a

May 9 restart.


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