Brangelina’s break-up is written in the stars

Mahesh Bang foresees a difficult time for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to maintain a healthy relationship. Picture: Andreas Rentz/Pool/Files

Mahesh Bang foresees a difficult time for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to maintain a healthy relationship. Picture: Andreas Rentz/Pool/Files

Published Sep 25, 2016


Mahesh Bang, an astrologer to Bollywood celebrities, unpacks why Brangelina could never work out - because of their star signs.

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles. Her time of birth was 9.09am. Jolie had a difficult childhood because she was born in Mercury Mahadasha.

Mercury being in the 12th house was bound to give her hardships. Her rise in life began during her Venus Mahadasha, which began in 1995. Venus being positioned in the first house and aspected by Jupiter caused her to become an international figure at the time. Jolie has also been named as one of the most beautiful women in the world. This is because of the presence of Venus in the first house. In early 2005 Jolie was involved in a scandalous split that took place between Brad Pitt and his then-wife Jennifer Aniston.

At that time she was ruled by Venus (major planet) and sub-ruled by Rahu. Venus is the natural significator of the seventh house and also aspected the seventh house which denotes love affairs, marriage and intimacy. So her serious relationship started with Brad Pitt but since the Antardasha (sub-ruling planet) was that of Rahu (gives a shadow effect), her relationship with him caused a scandal.

Her current ruling planet is Sun. Although this planet will give her lots of wealth, her relationship will have to pay the price. In Pitt’s birthchart Mars is situated in Sagittarius and on September 18, 2016 the planet Mars transited over Sagittarius which resulted in their separation being acknowledged.

Brad Pitt was born on December 18, 1963. He has a remarkable chart for wealth, money and success. He has five planets in Sagittarius in the second house of wealth, money, and a handsome face. The power of this house has made all these areas profound throughout his life. In Brad Pitt’s chart, Venus is the lord of the seventh house which is posited in the third house accompanied by Saturn.

This combination of Venus and Saturn in the third house of desires means he will have a great number of love affairs; premarital as well as extramarital. Saturn is also the third lord, hence his relationships will break up just so that he can begin them anew.

Now he is under the influence of Jupiter Mahadasha (ending soon) and Mars dasha. This period may end his relationship with Angelina Jolie. From next year, he will be under Saturn sade sati, so he will have a very tough time financially and emotionally. His difficult time will continue until September 2019.

A few months after Mars transit over Capricorn he will get a slim chance to resolve the issues with Jolie. He should approach her during that time. If he handles it well the outcome can be positive. However, I eventually see it will be difficult for them to maintain a healthy relationship due to the planetary configuration and its effect.

The Sunday Independent

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