Trying lose weight? Here are 5 healthy breakfasts options to enjoy

Avocado toast. Picture: Kasumi loffler/ Pexels

Avocado toast. Picture: Kasumi loffler/ Pexels

Published Oct 26, 2022


If you are planning to lose weight, one of the first things you should consider is changing your diet.

Your food intake can significantly influence your body weight. But people often fail to plan a healthy diet, and when they don’t make progress, they starve themselves.

The key to losing weight is not always eating less, but eating right. Moreover, what you eat for breakfast plays a significant role in helping you shed some kilograms.

Why Is a healthy breakfast important?

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day because it's the first meal we eat after an overnight fast, hence the term breakfast.

Eating breakfast allows your body to replenish its stores of blood glucose, your body's main energy source, while also providing other vitamins and minerals required for healthy function.

Below we share some of the healthy breakfast options to enjoy if you are trying to lose weight.

Avocado toast. Picture: Kasumi loffler/ Pexels

Avocado toast

Mashed avocado on a slice of whole-grain bread and topped with an egg or two just might be the perfect breakfast. First, it's quick to make, and who doesn't love or need that in the morning? It also provides a great balance of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein.

Avocado is primarily made up of healthy mono-unsaturated fats. It's also a good source of fibre. Both of these components help you feel fuller for longer.

Cottage cheese with fruit

For a quick, high-protein breakfast that hits the spot, opt for a bowl of cottage cheese with an assortment of your favourite fresh fruit and berries.

Chicken breast. Picture: Pexels

Chicken breast

It is not usually common to have chicken for breakfast but it can be a great option. Chicken breast has plenty of protein and some fat.

The calories in the chicken breast are different depending on how you choose to cook it but either way, you should know that eating chicken for breakfast will keep you full for a long time.

Sprouted grain bread with nut butter

Traditional breakfasts tend to be filtered with dairy and meat: milk and cereal; buttered toast; bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches; the list goes on and on.

But if you want to know how to lose weight on a vegan diet, there are some delicious options like sprouted grain bread with nut butter.

The bread provides whole grains and fibre, and the nut butter has mono-unsaturated fats that are very satiating.

Greek yoghurt. Picture: Jenna Hamra/ Pexels

Greek yoghurt

Science says that the most important macro-nutrient for weight loss is protein. Yoghurt sorbets are one of the easiest breakfast foods to prepare.

Sprinkle in your favourite berries, nuts, and granola for a quick, well-balanced breakfast to support your weight management goals.

Read the latest issue of IOL Health digital magazine here.

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