How to spice up your relationship beyond the month of love

Sometimes cooking together can help ignite your relationship. Picture: Supplied

Sometimes cooking together can help ignite your relationship. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 28, 2023


We are at the end of February, known as the “month of love”, but that doesn’t mean you must stop showing love to your partner.

Love is something to be celebrated daily. You don’t have to make grand gestures all the time because the little things also count.

To ignite the spark in your relationship, there are five things you can do to make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

Try new things

You don’t always have to go dining for dates. Sometimes, learning a new skill together could also be fun, like attending a cooking class, sipping and painting or doing some charity community work.

Daily check-in

Even if you stay with your partner, you can send them a cute message, letting them know you’re thinking of them or ask how their day is going. Such little things can make them feel better even if they are when having a bad day.

Tell jokes

Don’t be too serious. Trolling your partner (without making nasty remarks) once in a while is good for the relationship, as long as it’s not something they take offence to.

Keep it simple

They say “less is more,” and sometimes it does apply to the relationship. Getting coffee or lunch delivered to your partner’s workplace will do the trick. You’d find that they were too busy and couldn’t grab lunch, so bringing it will definitely make them feel loved.


Celebrations are not reserved for birthdays and anniversaries. Sometimes your partner completing a project they’ve been working on calls for a celebration. Not only will they feel seen, but motivated too.