Cape film-maker, dancer, writer and actor Enrico Hartzenberg to direct new production

Enrico Hartzenberg is set on making a name for himself in the industry. Picture: Supplied

Enrico Hartzenberg is set on making a name for himself in the industry. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 4, 2023


Cape Town – As a small boy with a witty personality, Enrico Hartzenberg always performed on their stoep in Kuils River with the hopes of one day writing, acting and directing his own productions.

And today he is living out his childhood dreams without fear of the future and tangible ambition.

Hartzenberg is the founder and director of Hartzenberg Films, a production company. Under the company he has released several productions, including a web series “Van Adamse”, a theatre production “Liefde is Rooi” and now a brand-new production, “Die Lig is Blou”, that can be seen at the Artscape Theatre from June 20.

He is the writer and director of “Die Lig is Blou”.

“I love directing. Directing is about fostering creativity and building a world that you care about. You have the licence to shape the world the way you wish to see it. One that rewards kindness and honesty.”

“Die Lig is Blou” tells the tale of two friends, Samantha and Michael, who play a supernatural game that resurrects the ghost of a murdered family member, Claudine, who holds a secret about one of them. The characters are portrayed by the award-winning Crystal-Donna Roberts, Lisa-Maree Bruiners and Chester Miggels.

Hartzenberg said “Die Lig is Blou” took him five years to complete.

“The audience can definitely expect horror mixed with a bit of drama. I believe that horror is not only a physical threat but a spiritual one, too.”

He explained he drew inspiration from childhood games. “And things that hinder us. Life is a continuous cycle and we repeat our ways. It’s a time where I dive into what horrifies me. And to be brave in that.”

The diverse artist also stepped into the shoes of a drama lecturer recently at Stellenbosch University.

“I was teaching the Heightened style. Heightened style is anything besides realism. It’s the exploration of body to word. The experience was out of the world. The second-year students are a bunch of talented individuals.”

Bruiners said “Die Lig is Blou” will be one of the greatest achievements in her career.

“I continue to learn and grow daily with Enrico’s bright and insightful way of directing. He truly has a unique way of writing and I’m honoured that he saw me fit to portray this role.

“I am so grateful and blessed to be sharing a creative space alongside such talented artists.”

Miggels agreed. He explained why: “Enrico is such a talented creative. He makes the entire cast feel so comfortable. He possesses great interpersonal skills and has an impeccable skill for casting. He truly showcases passion for the arts as he inspired us to see the vision he had for the show.”

Weekend Argus

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