PICS: Students hit by stun grenades, rubber bullets as exam dispute turns violent

STUDENTS left stranded at the Coastal College at V section.

STUDENTS left stranded at the Coastal College at V section.

Published Jun 10, 2022


Durban — Students from Coastal College at Umlazi “V” Section Prince Mcwayizeni had stun grenades thrown at them and rubber bullets fired at them after they locked the campus entrance gate and blocked the street with objects.

The students were demanding that exams be postponed as they were not ready to write them. They said the exam dates were given to them at short notice, because they had been sitting at home after their lecturers apparently went on a go-slow in a salary dispute.

“We were only told on Friday that we are writing on Monday, so we are not prepared and we have not learnt anything because we were at home. We pleaded to be given more time to write when we come back from recess,” said a student, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of being victimised.

She added that when the students demanded to speak to the campus manager about the issue, they were given two hours to evacuate their residential locations. Some of them lived very far away, she said.

Nhlakanipho Ndlovu, who said he witnessed the entire event, commented that there were other ways the situation could have been dealt with.

“When black people protest with an intention to raise their concerns and frustrations about something, the police always respond with brutality and victimisation. The police have never changed their apartheid methods of silencing us and using violence,” Ndlovu said.

STUDENTS at the Coastal College were left to sleep on the street after being chased from their places of residence. l SUPPLIED

According to Constable Thenjiswa Ngcobo, the students denied the working staff entry on to the college premises. That was when Public Order Police were called to disperse the crowd with stun grenades and rubber bullets.

“A case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm was opened at Umlazi police station. The complainant alleges that she noticed a crowd of students running towards her. She then felt something hit her on the head.

“She sustained injuries on the head and was hospitalised for medical assistance. Six suspects were arrested for public violence,” Ngcobo said.

According to witnesses, some students were still in the hospital.

They disputed the police’s statement that only one student was hit. They said another person walking in the street and who had nothing to do with the strike was also hit.

Spokesperson for the Department of Higher Education and Training Ishmael Mnisi said they were not aware of the situation but they would investigate the matter.

“At the moment we are not aware of this. We will investigate and revert back to you,” he said.

Daily News