Top 4 tips for textured hair types

The haircare industry capitalises on the fact that few people are satisfied with the hair they were born with. File picture: REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido

The haircare industry capitalises on the fact that few people are satisfied with the hair they were born with. File picture: REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido

Published Mar 7, 2023


The hair industry takes advantage of the fact that people often want what they don’t have – those with curly hair want silky-straight hair, and those with straight hair spend hours trying to get that volume.

Reneé Potgieter, a natural hair health activist and colour alchemist who has undertaken a quest to change the hair care industry from one that promotes total transformation to one that advocates the radical self-celebration of inner and outer beauty, shares tips on how to embrace your natural hair texture.

Don’t over wash your hair

How many times a week you wash your hair has an impact on the health of your hair. However, activities such as exercising or going to the beach may require you to wash your hair more often. Just make sure you use a gentle shampoo.

Be selective with your products

Don't use a product you see on the shelf because it smells nice. Vegan products that are sulphate- and paraben-free are always winners.

Use natural nourishing treatments

Plant-based products are less likely to cause build-up because they don’t use petrochemicals.

Oils are fantastic for hair if they are of good quality, but it is important that they are cleaned off correctly or they will leave the hair oily and heavy.

A good nourishing hair mask will go a long way if left on for a while.

Be gentle with interventions

Protective hairstyles are great if not abused. Styles like braids, cornrows, or mechanically changing your hair’s texture with blowouts – drying hair after a wash to achieve a smooth and sleek look – and straighteners can put strain on your hair.

They can cause breakage or even irritate the scalp. Do them only once in a while and make sure that they are easy on the scalp.