More than 15 000 military personnel expected at the uMhlathuze military exhibition next month

UMhlathuze military exhibition will take place next month and 15 000 troops are expected. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

UMhlathuze military exhibition will take place next month and 15 000 troops are expected. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 18, 2023


Durban - The uMhlathuze Municipality will host a seven-day SANDF military exhibition from February 15 with President Cyril Ramaphosa expected to deliver a keynote address on February 21 which is Armed Forces Day.

The event, which will see more than 15 000 military personnel visit the municipality, is expected to have a positive spin-off for the local economy.

Municipal spokesperson Bongani Gina said activities to be held there include a career expo, community and sporting events and live firing.

“This event will mean a lot to uMhlathuze and the surrounding areas. It will give young people exposure to the SANDF and people who wish to work for the SANDF will get an opportunity to witness what it is like.

“President Ramaphosa will be a keynote speaker on the last day, which is February 21,” said Gina.

He said it would be the first time the municipality hosts an event of this nature.

“We are expecting more than 15 000 members of the SANDF. We also expect local businesses to be boosted by this event. They told us the army personnel will be accommodated in the surrounding areas of uMhlathuze. Lounges, hotels, and other hospitality and tourism industries will benefit from this exhibition.

“Our preparations are well under way and we are making sure that it happens in different parts of the municipality, including the University of Zululand, where students will also get a chance to witness the event,” added Gina.

Andries Mokoena, spokesperson for the SANDF, confirmed the military exhibition, adding that more information would be released during the media briefing on February 2.