LETTER: Palestinians are rightly fighting for their freedom

‘The days of Israeli rule over the Palestinian people are over. Palestinians quite rightly, morally and legally, are fighting for their freedom.’ Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

‘The days of Israeli rule over the Palestinian people are over. Palestinians quite rightly, morally and legally, are fighting for their freedom.’ Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Published May 23, 2024


It is with a dropping jaw that I read in the media that the Israeli regime is in discussions about the future administration of Gaza!

Clearly, Israel has lost the plot. The days of Israeli rule over the Palestinian people are over. Palestinians quite rightly, morally and legally, are fighting for their freedom. They are fighting for an independent Palestinian State on Palestinian land free of Israeli shackles.

What is it going to take to make Israel understand that the status quo in Gaza can never, ever be returned to its former state and that those days are over?

An elected administration in Gaza chosen by Israel following this battle isn’t an option and will never be endorsed by the USA, which is calling for Palestinian independence.

Let us not forget Nelson Mandela’s words, “South Africa will never be free until Palestine is free”.

* Colin Bosman, Newlands.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.


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